Read the information and instructions carefully: If you have any questions, please contact your representative
There are 2 separate options for valuing your shipment:
- By completing an itemized valued inventory to determine the value
- By completing the Weight Based Application (Net weight of your shipment times $14 per pound plus individual high value items ) ( See Paragraph A& B below)
A. Should you decide to complete a valued inventory, the following applies:
- A SEPARATE application form must be completed for each shipment. Therefore, if you have an air and a sea shipment, you should complete two applications. If you have a shipment with 2 delivery points, please attach a separate valued list of those items that will form the second delivery.
- When completing an application form for a Valued Inventory, we have provided headings for various rooms and a partially completed listing of items, to which you may wish to add.
- Taking the form with you from room to room, list the quantity of each item that you will ship in the column marked “No. Items”. Then list the value of the item(s) in the column marked “Replacement Cost”.
Only combine items of like kind and quality
For example, If you have 6 chairs in the dining room with total value of US$1,500, you should writeNo. Item Article Replacement 6 Chairs US$1500 However, if 2 of the chairs are worth, for example, US$400 each, then you should list them and, if possible, identify separately, as follows:
No. Item Article Replacement 4 Chairs US$700 2 Chairs US$800 Otherwise, in case of a claim, the US$1500 divided by 6 chairs will equal $250 for each chair.
- The values that you list should be the replacement cost of the items in US dollars AT DESTINATION (place of delivery). For most ordinary household items of modern design or manufacturer, you should value the items at the current replacement cost of an identical new item at destination. For antiques, Object d’art and similar, the declared value should represent the cost of buying an item of similar quality and type at auction or through a reputable dealer at destination. If you are in any doubt as to an item’s value on this basis, we strongly recommend that independent valuations, such as an appraisal, of replacement cost at destination be obtained.
- Take time to ensure that ALL items that you will be shipping are listed and accurately valued. Items not declared and valued are not protected and cannot be submitted for a claim. Please retain a copy for your records.
- Once you have listed all articles, calculate the values in each column. Add each column total and place the total in the “total” bracket.
- Your automobile(s) can be protected under the Extended Protection Program. The program provides for either repair or replacement of your vehicle with another of the same year, make and model.
- Produce a grand total and sign the form.
B. Should you elect to use the Weight Based Application ( insured value is $14 times the net weight of your shipment plus high value items):
- Obtain the net weight of your shipment from your Move Coordinator .
- List all items of unusual and unique nature whose individual value exceeds $1,500.
- Automobiles must be specifically listed and itemized.
- Produce a grand total and sign the form.