

Installing the computer, hanging paintings, putting furniture together or moving furniture. You can let us take care of the finishing touch to your new home. Our handyman does all the difficult jobs so you can focus on the 'really important things'. Neer Service employs a trained handyman. This handyman has a professional diploma 'Handyman' and has many years of work experience.

Professional support

Technical defects and damage to buildings cause a lot of annoyance.  De Handyman carries out a wide range of maintenance activities adequately and cost-efficiently. Our Handyman is a professional support for your facility organization, he has both an executive and signalling task and advises and works together with your facility service in managing your building(s).  

De Handyman assists in optimising and maintaining your property so that its image is maintained. He solves the small maintenance work, which often takes too long, in the short term. It can also be used for making control rounds and reports that give you a good insight and enable you to act adequately.

The all-rounder of Neer Service

This all-rounder repairs broken lamps, a leaking tap, damage to equipment or interior quickly and professionally. In addition to this work, he can also perform housekeeping tasks, prepare rooms for meetings, courses or receptions. Connecting, setting up and checking audiovisual equipment, washing official and management cars, assisting at events, supplementing displays and light gardening are in good hands with him.

It is also possible to contract the Handyman for specific sub-tasks. As for the periodic inspection of lighting. In advance, Neer Service will draw up a tailor-made plan and a clear investment proposal with you. So you will never face any surprises!

Tasks of the Handyman;

  • Carrying out small internal removals
  • Deconstructing and assembling cabinets
  • Remove lamps from the ceilings and hang them up
  • Preparing and programming of electrical equipment for relocation
  • Hanging up paintings, whiteboards, coat racks, etc.
  • Check emergency and escape route lighting
  • Repair of damage(s)
  • Informing agencies
  • Maintenance of hinges and locks
  • Installation of audio and video equipment
  • Removal of cabling
  • Carrying out repairs and restoration works
  • Remove old cabling
  • Bringing the property back to its former state

No time or knowledge to do these jobs yourself? Leave it to our professional. With the right equipment, good tools, a healthy dose of craftsmanship and with pleasure our handyman will do these jobs for you.

Packing & unpacking services

Packing & unpacking services

During the busy moving period you can use the time very well. That is why we offer our packing service. With this packing service your goods will be packed with the greatest care by the experienced movers of Neer Service. We help you to pack the sturdy moving boxes in a respectable manner, but also to unpack them, if desired.

Many people choose to pack the moving boxes themselves. Packing consists of filling the moving boxes with all the loose items that are present in the cabinets, closets and the house. Packing takes a lot of time, meaning you will have to live between the moving boxes for some days and sometimes even weeks in advance. With our experienced movers the packing work can often be done within a day. Good packing requires insight, speed and quality. We can take care of this for you.

Professional materials

During the packing with the relocation we use professional materials. The moving materials we use are: sturdy moving boxes, barrels, painting boxes, TV covers, mattress covers, wardrobe boxes and of course our packaging materials, and of course our packing paper and bubble wrap.

Advantages of packing and unpacking service

International removal

Smaller items such as crockery, glassware, books, paintings, lamps and hanging clothes is suggested to be best packed by our professionals. Your valuables are packed with extra attention. This way, your belongings can be loaded with a safe feeling into the removal van or sea container. We also transport your hanging clothes with special, lockable cloakroom boxes. This way the clothing is protected against dirt and weather influences.

When moving internationally to Canada and the United States, it is required to have your household belongings packed by Neer Service. When moving to other international destinations this is not mandatory, however we always recommend it! If we pack everything, your entire household belongings are insured. When you pack yourself, these goods you have packed are not insured.

You can choose for the complete packing service of Neer Service but you can also only let us pack the fragile goods.

During a personal visit, our appraiser can advise you whether certain goods need to be specially packed.

Stockage et administration des biens

Stockage et administration des biens Un séjour sans faille

Avez-vous un manque d’espace? Chez Neer Service, vous pouvez louer des unités de stockage ainsi que gérer vos objets de stockage, tant pour les entreprises que pour les particuliers. Vous pouvez, par exemple, stocker temporairement vos biens lors d’une rénovation, sauvegarder et protéger votre inventaire et nous permettre de gérer vos archives dans des espaces protégés électroniquement.


Si votre entreprise déménage ou est en rénovation, il est possible de stocker temporairement tout ou partie de votre mobilier. Notre unité de stockage chauffée et sécurisée veille à ce que vos biens restent protégés et en bon état pendant qu’ils vous attendent.

Entreposer vos affaires

Envisagez-vous une rénovation? Ou peut-être avez-vous besoin de stocker des meubles lors d’un déménagement? Chez Neer Service, vous pouvez stocker temporairement vos biens chez nous. Le stockage est toujours trouvé avec des unités chauffées et sécurisées.

Les biens peuvent être récupérés à un endroit désigné et stockés par nos collègues dans des conteneurs. Après la période de stockage convenue, les effets personnels peuvent être déposés à un endroit désigné. Ce système est souvent utilisé lors de rénovations.

Il se peut que votre compagnie d’assurance habitation n’assure pas vos biens pendant la période de stockage. Cependant, nous pouvons permettre d’assurer vos biens pendant le stockage. Avec cela, vous pouvez ranger vos affaires avec un sentiment d’insouciance. Pour le stockage, les options sont entre des conteneurs en bois de 9 m3 (w * h * l, 225x225x180) ou des conteneurs de navire 20 ”de 33 m3.

Stockage d'oeuvres d'art et d'antiquités

Stocker des œuvres d’art ou des antiquités exige une précision et une assurance accrues. Nous garantissons l’utilisation d’unités de stockage avec transport climatisé (dans le monde entier) et sécurisées avec systèmes de climatisation. Lorsque cela est nécessaire, il est possible pour les installations de sécurité physiques de protéger vos œuvres d’art ou vos antiquités. Forts de nombreuses années d’expérience, nous avons construit un nom de confiance auquel de célèbres musées ont fait confiance pour nos services. Par discrétion, nous ne pouvons vous informer davantage sur ces offres qu’après une réunion.